Chapter 1341 You Should Take Good Care Of Yourself

The two of them were stunned. Looking at Victor's gloomy face, they both stood up from the leather chair uneasily and looked at Victor in panic.

Victor looked at Mr. Remar with sarcasm. Looking at their panicked eyes, he walked over and sat on the leather chair on the other side as if nothing had happened, but he lowered his head slightly and didn't speak. 

The temperature in the conference room suddenly dropped, and it was so oppressive.

Mr. King and Mr. Remar looked at each other, but neither of them dared to speak and waited for Victor to speak first.

In the business world, Victor always did what he wanted in a sweeping manner.

His way of doing business was simple. He could earn money together with his partners, but he never let go of anyone who betrayed him.

Victor glanced at Dean. Dean understood what he meant and put two documents in front of Mr. King and Mr. Remar.