Chapter 1342 You Ruined Your Love As Well

When Maureen heard Eden's voice, she came to sense and found that Eden was looking at her with concern.

She pursed her dry lips slightly, and her eyes were still dejected and sombre, "I aborted Jasper's child." Her tone was very mournful.

She did not have many friends here, and there was no one she could talk to. After thinking about it, she thought of Eden.

Eden did not know how to reply to her.

Maureen spoke straightforwardly. Eden wanted to answer her euphemistically, but she couldn't. After all, Maureen aborted the child on her own, and it was not an accident.

Eden did not speak and looked down at the bag in her hands.

Maureen looked at her quietly for a while. When Eden did not speak, she was very gentle. The expression on her pretty face was bland, but she made her feel at ease.

Jasper had been infatuated with Eden's face for ten years.

Maureen looked away slowly and said with sorrow, "He doesn't want to love me."