Chapter 1376 Be So Jealous And Lose Appetite

"Mom, I am not a child anymore. I know what it means."

The technology was so advanced, and everyone had a phone. She could learn a lot online.

Eden always regarded her as a child.

But Gia forgot that she indeed a child.

Eden was a bit embarrassed and didn't know what to say. The children were really precocious. They knew what love was at such a young age.

She didn't even understand what love was in high school.

"Ha-ha..." Irving smiled, "Eden, your daughter is as pretty as you."

Eden was rendered speechless and nodded proudly. Gia was the child of her and Victor. How could she not be beautiful?

When Victor was young, he was really charismatic.

Seeing that Eden didn't want to see him, Irving felt painful in heart. Perhaps he was too impatient, which made her disgusted, and the result turned out to be just the opposite of his wish.

"Eden, have a good rest. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."