Chapter 1377 Have You Done Something Wrong?

Eden looked at him and did not speak.

Victor took off his jacket and looked at her, "Eden, I'm going to take a bath. I'll be back soon."

After that, he ran to the bathroom.

Eden was speechless.

Victor finally felt at ease when he returned home. He had thousands of dreams, and he only saw Eden in those dreams.

When he knew that she was injured, he handled the affairs over there and came back as fast as he could.

After he took a shower, he wrapped himself in a white towel, revealing his strong body. Then he went to bed and began to examine her body.

Eden did not move and allowed his hand to touch her body.

Seeing that there was no wound on her face and arms, he lifted the clothes on her back cautiously. Looking at the scars on her back, he gulped in shock.

"How did you get so badly hurt?" He hugged her with distress.

Eden raised her head and looked at him innocently, "Why did you come back so quickly? Is it because I am injured or you've let me down?"