Chapter 1378 Why Don\'t You Go Rob The Bank Directly?

Victor didn't leave and looked at Jaida with a smile. "Mom, I won't go. Teach me how to cook porridge. I want to make porridge for Eden."

Looking at his serious face, Jaida couldn't help but smile.

"Did Eden make things difficult for you?"

"No, she forgave me. She's a kind girl. How could she bear to make things difficult for me? But I feel so guilty just because she's so considerate."

Hearing this, Jaida smiled brightly, "Fortunately, you are not as unfaithful as your father when he was young. When I married him, I often saw him with different women. At that time, I didn't feel sad because I didn't love him. But you and Eden are different. You are in love."

"You should pay more attention when you go out in the future. Don't be tricked by others again. If you're really seduced by a woman, you will really lose Eden."

"Mom, I see. I will be more careful in the future." However, why did he feel that his mom loved Eden more than him?