Chapter 1435 Why Did Something Suddenly Go Wrong?

Eden asked doubtfully, "Why did something suddenly go wrong? I use the products of NF Brand as well. You bought them for me. Look at my skin. It is fair and smooth. Even the pores can't be seen." Saying this, Eden looked at her delicate face in the rearview mirror and smiled proudly.

Victor looked at her dotingly and then said with a sneer, "Someone reported that our makeup products contained coal tar, and the metabolite of coal tar is linked with cancer. Most of the countries put a ban on coal tar in makeup products."

"Is it real..." She did not finished her question. She was doubting their own products, wasn't she?

She used the products, and nothing bad happened.

The key was that it was too expensive, and ordinary people could not afford it.

If it weren't for the fact that Victor was rich, she would definitely be reluctant to buy it.

Victor owned many companies, but he mainly focused on clothing design, and he hired professional managers to be in charge of other compaines.