Chapter 1436 I Only Kowtow To The Dead

Eden smiled and said, "There should be facial masks in my home. I will go back and have a look. Victor brought some back yesterday. I don't have time to check it yet."

"That's right. Your husband often buy such products for you." Abigail said enviously.

"Anson buy skincare products for you as well, doesn't he?" Looking at her envious face, Eden was amused.

Anson couldn't be more considerate to her.

Abigail said, "My husband is not as rich as your husband."

"Humph!" Eden glared at her, "Abby, don't you feel ashamed to complain of being hard up before me?"

"I don't feel ashamed at all." Abigail said while walking around with her with a smile.

The shop assistant listened to their conversation and looked at them with disdain. Many people came here just to show off their wealth, and they would not buy anything in the end.

They said that they were rich, but they just came here to give themselves airs.