Chapter 1471 Stay Away From My Brother.

"Hold on. The ambulance will be here soon." After Eden finished, she glanced at Paula on the opposite side.

She stared at her brother and her with a look of panic.

Why did Paula appear here so coincidentally?

Paula slowly looked away, not daring to meet Eden's gaze.

Eden frowned angrily as she had a vague idea of what Paula was trying to do.

"Eden, I'm fine." Delmont said with a smile. But the sweat on his forehead revealed his condition, and he looked not good at all.

He frowned in pain. It's after the numbness that hurts the most.

"Delmont, hang on for a while." Eden endured the pain in her body and looked at Delmont's bloody leg, feeling a little desperate.

If Delmont had been crippled to save her, she would have felt guilty for the rest of her life.

She suddenly noticed that there was blood running on the floor from her dad's left foot.

"Dad, you're hurt." Eden struggled to get up.

Wyatt looked at the blood on her forehead and was even more frightened.