Chapter 1472 Mr. Clement Is Disabled.

Eden shook her head. "Don't worry, Victor. I have only superficial wounds and have already been treated. It's just that Delmont's leg was badly injured in order to save me."

"How did the superficial injury bleed this much? Did the doctor examine you properly?" Victor was still uneasy.

He didn't want to meet with Carney today, but Carney kept insisting, so he had to go over and tell him clearly that it was impossible to let Melissa go. He and Carney had just met and before they could get to the point, he got a call from his father-in-law that they had been in a car accident.

Eden took his hand, smiling and reassuring the worried man, "I've been examined and it's really just a superficial injury. I'm fine now. My dad is still being treated for his wounds."

Victor felt a little relieved. "Dad, are you ok?"

Only then did Victor look at Wyatt, who was being treated.