Chapter 1473 Her Battered-body Trick Had Failed.

"Eden, thank you for accompanying Candace. She's had such a bad reaction to the pregnancy vomiting for a while that she's lost weight because she hasn't had an appetite. I'm worried about her." Eden looked at Candace who was suffering with concern.

Eden also knew that it was hard for pregnant mothers-to-be, "Auntie, I was like this back then too. She will be better after three months."

She looked at Candace again, "These three months may be hard. But when the baby can move, you will forget about the sufferings and just be happy."

She remembered the first time she was pregnant at that time. When she wanted to eat dumplings and sit down to make dumplings, she was kicked by the baby and her tears instantly flowed out. The happiness at that moment could not be described in words.

The strong existence of that little life made her feel wonderful and happy.