Chapter 1490 It Is Too Much For A Kid

After the matter was settled, Paula immediately started working again. If she was thrown out, she would really be ashamed.

She couldn't stay in River City anymore if it really happened. 

However, as for Eden, she did not care about it at all. 

She was well aware of Paula's working ability. 

She was just waiting for news from Aro. 

Eden ate her lunch slowly and was thinking about something else in her mind. 

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

"Come in."

After saying it, she lifted her head and looked over to the door.

Then she saw her son and a very pretty little girl walking in. 

"Mom, why didn't you wait for me for lunch?" Ricky looked unhappy. 

In order to take Alma to the audition, he left school as soon as they finished the class, without even having time for lunch.  

Eden looked at the two of them and smiled, "Haven't you eaten anything yet?" 

"No, I came here as soon as I finished my class. I had no time to eat. Mom, can you buy us lunch."