Chapter 1491 I Will Not Show Any Mercy

"Wow! Mom, you've changed." Henrick looked at his mother in disbelief.

He didn't want to believe that his mother was totally on his father's side now. 

Eden said elatedly, "Well, he is my husband who will spend the rest of his life with me, of course, I will speak up for him."

Henrick put on a sad face and looked at her mother with his big eyes. "It seems that your husband is much more important than your son."

Eden couldn't help but laugh.

After the two children had lunch, Eden sent them downstairs, and only went back to her office after she watched them get on the car and left.

When she got back, Paula followed her into the office. 

"Director Bleu, this is the information you asked for." 

Eden looked up at her. "Put it on the desk first. I'll look at it later."  

"Can you read it now if you are not busy so that I can change it straight away if there is anything that you want me to add in?" She had to meet Carolyn and Belinda after work.