Chapter 1498 They Would Go Bankrupt

Dean mourned for Cyril for three seconds in heart. Hadn't Cyril realized what was happening?

"Mr. Alwynn, why don't we turn hostility into friendship? What do you think?" Cyril was sure that Victor didn't dare to hurt him.

"You really regard yourself as somebody. Get out of Alwynn Group with your workers. From now on, I'm sure that no one will dare to hire you and your workers."

"By the way, I forgot to remind you that many of your workers had accidents on the construction sites."

"You used violent tactics to get compensation. Last year, one worker died, and he received a compensatory payment of five hundred thousand dollars, but his family only got one hundred thousand dollars."

"What's more, a few loyal workers have been fooled by you. You obviously got paid, but you didn't pay them and pocketed the money."

"Besides, you bully men and take liberties with women. A worker's wife is very beautiful. You not only raped her, but also broke her husband's leg."