Chapter 1499 Watch Your Mouth

"Ricky, come back!" Eden shouted at his back.

Kenneth said, "Mom, let him go. Let's take Gia to the hospital first."

He would beat that b*stard as well.

But at this time, the most important thing was to save Gia.

Brian nodded, "Eden, I have called an ambulance, and it has arrived. Take Gia to the hospital first. I will deal with the things here."

Eden nodded and said worriedly, "Keep an eye on Ricky and don't let him do stupid things."

"Don't worry. I'm here."

Brian sent Gia to the ambulance. After Eden and Kenny left, he immediately rushed back to the lobby.

Ricky looked so angry, so he was afraid that he would kill Troy.

Ricky had practiced martial arts for several years, and he was quite skilled.

In the hall, Henrick saw Troy who was being protected by a fat lady.

A devil-like smile appeared on his handsome face, and he looked so horrible.

"Troy!" He roared angrily.