Chapter 1524 So Delmont Gave His Liver To Her

"Eden, what a nice name." Angela said with a smile.

"Thank you." Eden smiled and nodded.

Eden had poured some hot water for Angela. At this time, the temperature was just right, and she inserted a new straw into it.

"Grandma Weaving, have some water first. The temperature is suitable, and it's not hot anymore."

"Okay!" Angela lowered her head to drink the water. She was really thirsty.

"Grandma Weaving, I bought you porridge. It's warm now. Eat some, and your stomach will feel better."

When Angela drank the water, she felt that the tip of her tongue did not hurt so much.

She smiled and nodded, "Then I'll eat some."

Eden held the bowl and fed her personally.

Angela didn't stand on ceremony and accept Eden's kindness.

After Angela ate the porridge, Eden's phone rang.

"I'm sorry." Eden went out to answer the phone.

"Hello? Victor."

"Honey, why haven't you come back yet?" Victor complained, "I'm not used to it when you're not home."