Chapter 1525 Why Should I Be Jealous Of You?

"Mom, it's tiring to cook in the morning." Eden looked at her with distress.

Seeing how thin she was, Aisling's heart ached, and she was very guilty.

"I can't accompany you and take care of you every day like Jaida. Only when you have time can I cook delicious food for you. My cooking skills are not as good as Jaida's, but I want to cook yummy dishes for you."

She always wanted to make up for everything that happened before, but Eden had grown up and got married. Her compensation seemed to be so insignificant.

Fortunately, Eden was very kind and did not hate her.

As the saying went, all the wonderful things in this world were relative, and nothing could be perfect in every respect.

She was Eden's biological mother, but Eden was much closer to Jaida.

But she had never been jealous, and she was very grateful to Jaida. Eden had suffered for many years, and it was she who warmed Eden's heart.