Chapter 1566 The One Who Loved Her The Most In This World

"Delmont, what do you think of this one?" Adrienne handed a bottle of toner to Delmont.

Delmont glanced at the toner in her hand and then looked at her expectant expression, smiling, "Since when did you like such an inferior brand? I'll buy you a better one. The cosmetics produced by Alwynn Group are very nice." On New Year's Day or other festivals, he would buy them for his grandmother and mother.

"No, I don't have to use the products of a certain brand. The one that suits me is the best." Adrienne wanted to go shopping with him like what they did in college.

Although they were very rich, they were not extravagant at all. Things that suited them were the best.

"Let me have a look." Delmont took it over with his slender fingers, lowered his head and had a look carefully.

Adrienne looked at him. His hair was much longer, and he did not use gel. There were locks of hair on his forehead. Compared to a few years ago, he looked much more attractive, and she liked the way he was.