Chapter 1567 Go To The Party

She cursed in heart, "Eden, you ruined my happiness! I won't let you go easily!"

Paula's eyes were filled with viciousness, and she immediately dialed Dahlia's phone number.

"Dahlia, Eden won't go to the party tonight."

"Why?" Dahlia couldn't believe it. Irving loved Eden so much, but wouldn't Eden show him respect?

Paula said with a malicious face, "Who knows? Maybe she looks down on Irving, but isn't it better? Irving will like you more."

Dahlia and Irving didn't look like a couple at all.

Anyone who once dated could tell that Irving didn't like Dahlia at all.

"Humph! He's my fiance. Of course he'll love me!"

Dahlia's tone was very unfriendly, "I even prepared a good show for her tonight. Do you have any way to let her come here?" If Eden did not come, everything she did would be in vain. Furthermore, Chelsea arranged it, and Baylee would do it in person. Eden couldn't escape like she did before.