Chapter 1583 There Will Be Good News Today

Victor glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "You can say whatever you want, but I won't listen to you."  

"Ha-ha..." Anson looked at his gloomy face and felt rather happy.

He knew what Victor was thinking about.

"Well, Victor, don't think that Eden only belongs to you. If you're so overbearing, she will dislike you more and more. Trust me. My intuition is absolutely accurate."

Victor didn't even raise his head.

Anson said teasingly, "Victor, you should be modest, and you can't be so overbearing. Listen to people's criticisms with an open mind and remember who has objections to you..."

"People in the world only admire me, the most outstanding man." Victor interrupted him haughtily.

Anson and Lucian were taken aback. How could Victor be so shameless?

Anson said sarcastically, "Victor, when you were in your teens, you were ambitious enough and knew what you wanted. You are indeed excellent."