Chapter 1584 Who Are You Going To Aim At?

Victor wickedly. Since Irving dared to take advantage of him, he had to pay the corresponding price.

He was going to see how shocked and embarrassed Irving was.

He smiled charmingly. Irving dared to go against him, so he was forced to keep his grievances to himself.

"Eden, you will know it when you arrive at the company." Victor kept her guessing.

Eden instantly became interested. Looking at his proud expression, she felt that someone was going to be into trouble.

"Who are you going to aim at?"

Victor smiled and said, "Honey, just guess." The simple words showed how delighted he was at the moment.

Eden leaned back on the seat slowly, looking unconcerned.

Without guessing, she knew that the person was Irving.

Grace had betrayed him. With his style of doing things, he would not let it go so easily.

Although she remained silent, Victor did not mind. She knew whom he referred to.