Chapter 1609 She Ruined Her Own Life

"There are not only a lot of cars coming this way but also the police. There are helicopters in the air as well."

Hearing this, Eden smiled. 

"What? The police?!" Chelsea cast a sharp gaze on Eden, who was smiling. She felt there was something wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was. "Victor dares to call the police. Isn't he afraid that something might happen to Eden?"

Did she underestimate him? 

"We don't have much time now. You'd better get off the boat quickly." The bodyguard looked anxious. All the cars were rushing here very quickly, and it could be no one else except for Victor. 

Chelsea snorted looked at Eden. "How can I leave without seeing her die?"

"Miss Simpson, we can take her away first. After everything is settled down, you still can torture her. " The bodyguard looked very anxious. If he was caught by the police, he would be put in prison for a long time.