Chapter 1610 She Couldn\'t Afford To Lose

Victor took Eden to the hospital as fast as he could.  

The doctor had a full body check-up on her, luckily, she didn't have any severe wounds. It was just the wound on her belly was a little serious. But after the treatment, she should be able to get better very soon. 

Eden did not wake up until the next morning.

When she opened her eyes, she already realized that she was in the hospital because she smelled the disinfectant. She looked around and suddenly saw Victor's deep eyes.

He was sitting by her bed, looking very pale. He must not sleep at all the whole night.

He just kept staring at her silently without saying anything. 

His jaw tightened, and his serious face made Eden a little scared. 

There was a faint trace of anger in his dark eyes. 

She could tell that he already knew about everything, so she slowly looked away nervously.

However, his sharp eyes followed her. Even if she lowered her head, she could still feel the anger from him.