Chapter 1645 Victor Did This To Fight Back

Looking at a box of love letters, Victor was overwhelmed by jealousy.

At that time, he was the most handsome boy in high school, but he had never received so many love letters.

Victor read a lot at one go. Irving wrote about ten love letters to Eden. There were faint strawberry patterns on the pink paper.

Therefore, Irving also knew that Eden liked to eat strawberries.

The love letters written by high school students were very pure. Some boys' words were too sappy and bold. He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Victor." Eden called him downstairs.

Victor was stunned. "Bang..." He smashed the love letters back into the box and looked around the storage room. Then he put the box at the bottom of the shelf. Eden would not come here often, so she would not find it.

Glancing at the box, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Irving.

This b*stard! Why did he have the love letters written by others?

Victor turned around and went out with a gloomy face.