Chapter 1646 Give Her The Best Happiness

"Mr. Matthews, what should we do? We lost so much money. How should we explain to the board of directors?" Aidan was so anxious that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He had worked with Irving for many years, but he had never seen him suffer such a big loss.

Hearing his words, Dahlia was angry as well, "Victor is a hateful b*stard. We must teach him a lesson."

She looked at Irving, "Don't you want to do something?" 

Chelsea had been sent to prison, so she did not dare to act rashly during this period of time.

Eden had recognized her a long time ago. However, she was polite every time she saw her. She didn't understand why Eden treated her like this.

Last time, she stole the design drafts of children's clothing from Alwynn Group. Although she found a scapegoat, Eden knew that she did it. However, she did not take any action.

She didn't understand what Eden was thinking.