Chapter 1710 She Has To Find Out Who It Was

But Eden didn't expectedly that Karlee would break out completely and fought with Dahlia directly at the party after she left.

And that was Barrett's party, so it would be like a slap in Barrett's face. 

Karlee was a straightforward person, but she was not impulsive. She would at least consider the reputation of her family.

She must have done after she thought everything through carefully.  

Eden glanced at the comments online. 

"I got some big news. Someone dug out the history of Dahlia copying someone else's design."

"I always know that Dahlia is an awful person. Why there are still people who let her design clothes? One rotten apple spoils the barrel!"

"After reading all the comments, why do I feel that Dahlia looks a bit familiar?"

"Guys, do you still remember Paulina Clark, a designer who was quite famous a few years ago? I feel she and Dahlia look alike!"