Chapter 1711 Be Careful

The news was already all over the internet this morning. 

The Simpson Group did not invite Victor, nor anyone from Alwynn Group to their party.

Everyone could sense that something was wrong. 

And they also guessed that there must be some problems between Victor and Barrett.

After what happened last night, there were all kinds of guesses online as well.

However, there was no newspaper that dared to write about Victor openly. 

Eden knew that everyone was so eager to find out the truth now.

She also knew that this matter would cause a tempest online. 

If so, the connection between Alwynn Group and the incident of the daughters of the Simpson family would soon be dug out.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.  

"Come in." Eden put away her emotions and looked over to the door.  

Karlee, who was wearing a red dress, walked after Paula.

The red dress made her look even more glamorous.

She walked in and sat down in front of Eden directly in a hurry.