Chapter 1733 You Can\'t Blame Anyone

"Mr. Alwynn, I will tell you everything about Danielle. Please let me go." Paula took the opportunity to make an offer.

Then she looked at Victor nervously, hoping to see a glimmer of hope in Victor's eyes.

Unfortunately... Victor only sneered.


"Are you negotiating with me?" Victor put down his crossed legs.

His leisurely expression was very charming.

Paula was in a trance for a moment. Victor had unworldly and appealing charm.

However, she looked a little ferocious because she had lost two teeth.

"Mr. Alwynn, I know that the people in the Simpson family want to kill Eden, especially Leilani. Eden plotted against... no, sent her daughter to jail, so she wants to kill Eden all the time..." Paula said everything she knew in one breath.

Victor sneered, "Only stupid people show their bargaining chips so quickly."

Paula was stunned. She had told the truth, but why didn't Victor show her any mercy?

She... said everything because she wanted Victor to let her go.