Chapter 1734 Why Should Irving Be Disappointed?

An hour later, Paula was dying. She had suffered a lot and couldn't even speak.

Victor returned to the villa he used to live. They had moved in yesterday. A nanny often came to clean the house, and they could live here at any time.

On his way back, he went to the supermarket to buy some food ingredients.

Eden did not bring anything with her, because Victor had prepared everything for her.

She only brought her phone and the pajamas she liked.

Seeing Victor come back, she asked, "Victor, where did you go?"

Eden sat in the yard, basking in the sun. When Victor woke up early in the morning, he said he had something to do and left for several hours.

She had been here once, and she liked this place very much.

Victor raised the food ingredients in his hand.

"I went to the supermarket, and I'll cook delicious food for you later."