Chapter 1761 So Cruel Even To His Own Children.

"Master, Elder Miss has replaced all of our confidants. All the executives have gotten into trouble and have been arrested by the police for various crimes. The evidence is conclusive and she has taken all the shares. The whole company is now full of people who follow her, and some from the young master.

Elder Miss is the biggest shareholder of the Simpson Group now. Even Elder Master can easily kick her out." He was also shocked when he got the news. How could Adrienne be so tactful? She had taken control of almost the entire Simpson family in two months.

Previously she and her brother had to listen to the master's orders, but now it's only going to be the other way around.

Every dog has his day! He had to say that time makes it inevitable that young men replace the old.

"What?" Barrett looked at the butler furiously and felt unbelievable. He knew his daughter very well. She could not have the ability like that.