Chapter 1762 To Give Birth

Victor was about to speak when Eden called.

"Honey." Victor's look softened instantly.

"Victor, Candace is going to give birth."

"We will come to the hospital right away." Victor hung up the phone and looked at Lucian.

"Candace is going to give birth."

Lucian's heart ached. But he hid his sadness and quickly got up to grab the car keys, "Let's go!"

They soon went to the garage.

Over the past few days when Candace's delivery period was about to arrive, they decided that if Adonis did not wake up, they, the godfathers, would get together to welcome the birth of the baby.

Lucian inexplicably hoped that the baby would be a boy. Then the Church family would have an heir.

Adonis had been in a coma for a long time. The doctor said Adonis would wake up, but he never did.

Candace's dedication, Adonis' parents' pain, and their guilt have all been tormenting them.