Chapter 1763 A Daughter

"Victor, get the doctor over here." Eden looked at Victor.

Victor nodded and asked the doctor to come over.

Abigail and Amelia heard what Eden said.

Abigail asked worriedly, "Eden, what's wrong?"

Eden looked down at Candace and said, "I want the doctor to check on Candace now." She didn't want Candace to be in so much pain.

Abigail said, "Candace, we're here for you!"

Amelia also smiled and encouraged Candace, "Candace, you can do it!"

Candace looked at the three of them and smiled weakly. She was touched and felt so good to have them with her at this time.

In fact, she was in too much pain. She really wanted to get rid of this pain.

She missed her mother very much. Every time she was sick, her mother would accompany her. She missed that feeling so much.

Then Candace was taken for an examination. All the others stood outside in silence.

Meanwhile, Adrienne was forcibly taken away from the office by some men in black.