Chapter 1764 Have You Really Let It Go?

Victor could see that she was unhappy. After getting out of the car, he took her hand and walked inside.

It was a private restaurant, decorated in the style of pear yellow exterior, with ancient style windows and red lanterns hanging under the eaves. The decoration was very ambient, and she had not been here before.

She asked curiously, "Victor, is this a new restaurant?"

Victor nodded, "Yes, I asked Dean to find it. It tastes good. I brought you here especially to try it."

They walked in. There were not many people inside, which made them feel comfortable.

The waiter welcomed them, and Victor ordered a private room.

Victor asked Eden to order the dishes and then went to the bathroom.

Eden ordered four dishes and one soup. She actually had little appetite. After ordering the food, the waiter left. She sat quietly by herself and had a lot in her mind.

"Hey, beauty! You're so pretty! I like you so much." A cute little girl doll suddenly poked in through the window.