Chapter 1798 Did You Dare To Do That?

Seeing them talking about business, Amelia took Eden upstairs. She had something to say to Eden.

When they went upstairs, Lucian narrowed his eyes. What did they want to talk about? 

Amelia closed the door after entering the room.

Eden looked at her with amusement and asked curiously, "Amelia, what are you doing?"

"Eden, have you recovered?" Amelia looked at her worriedly. Eden's face was pale indeed.

"I've recovered for a long time. Why do you take me here?" Eden sat on the beige sofa.

She looked around at their bedroom which was decorated in European style. It was simple and very comfortable.

Amelia sat opposite her and asked mysteriously, "Did Mr. Alwynn kneel on a durian?"

Eden was stunned. What did she mean?

Seeing that she looked puzzled, Amelia added, "Eden, I called you that day, and Mr. Alwynn answered the phone. He let me ask Lucian to kneel on a durian."

Eden was surprised. How could Victor do this to Lucian?