Chapter 1799 Transfer Some Money To Me

Eden looked at him. She knew that he would be very busy these days. 

She shook her head and did not tell him about Eloise.

"Nothing. Only you make me annoyed." 

Victor didn't believe her, "Really?"

Eden nodded hard, "Yeah, don't think too much. I'm all right. Give me a sandwich. I'm very hungry."

Victor still looked at her and didn't speak.

Eden knew he didn't believe her, and she sighed angrily, "I'm not lying to you. Why don't you speak? Even if I'm unhappy, that's because you annoy me."

Victor silently picked up the sandwich and fed her.

She was right. Last time, she got sick because he angered her.

He had been guilty.

"How does it taste?" Victor looked at her expectantly.

That was the new pastry chef he asked the manager to hire, and he was good at making sandwiches and hamburgers.

"Delicious!" Eden answered while chewing.

"Have a taste of every food. I asked the waiter to serve a lot." Seeing that she was eating happily, Victor beamed with delight.