Chapter 1802 Your Way Of Doing Things Is Really Despicable

Seeing that she was afraid, Eden smiled faintly, "Even if you get Lucian today, you can't be with him. You drugged him, so why should he be responsible for you? Even if you sleep with him and get pregnant with his baby, he won't be responsible for you."

"This is his character. He does what he likes and gives up what he doesn't like without hesitation."

Eden's words echoed in Edith's ears. Eden was right. She knew Lucian very well, but she wanted to make a bet that she was more suitable for him.

Furthermore, she cooperated with others. Eden came here with Amelia, and she couldn't spare Eden. If Amelia hadn't become her assistant, how could Lucian know Amelia?

It was Eden's fault as well!

The room was not very soundproof, and they could hear Amelia groaning.

Eden sighed. Lucian was amazingly strong, and Amelia was going to suffer.

He was very energetic on bed.

Edith was stunned when she heard it. Her face went pale, and she sat on the ground feebly.

"Come and sit over there."