Chapter 1803 Someone Wants To Kill Me

Eden stood up to look for her phone.

Edith, who was asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and glanced at Eden coldly.

She immediately stood up, went into the opposite room and took out a knife.

Eden searched in the corridor but didn't find her phone.

She turned around, only to find that Edith was nowhere to be seen. 

"Edith." Eden called out. She was not in the corridor, so she must be in a room here.

Frowning, Eden wanted to turn around and guard Lucian's room.

As soon as she turned around, the door behind her was opened.

She immediately turned back to have a look. Edith came out with a terrible sneer on her face.

Eden frowned and looked at her vigilantly.

"Edith, you didn't fall asleep."

"Ha-ha..." She sneered, "Eden, sometimes it's stupid to be overly kind. How could I fall asleep in such an environment?" Edith approached Eden step by step.

Eden drew back step by step.

"Eden, you have ruined my plan, so I will not let you go." She suddenly took out a knife from behind her.