Chapter 1805 Shut Up

Eden said everything in one breath. Sidney was so scared that he sat on the ground feebly. Aisling could not help but punch him a few times, "Look at what your daughter has done! She almost ruined my daughter's life!"

"Your wife has such a sharp tongue. Every time we play cards together, she praises your daughter. Do you have anything to say now?"

When they played cards together, Edith's mother and Lucian's mother always looked down upon Eden.

Aisling was very excited. On her way here, she had been wanting to vent her anger. Eden was in trouble, which drove her crazy.

Buddy and Zofia could not arrive soon because of the traffic jam. She was alone and felt more depressed. 

Sidney could not say a word.

He didn't want Edith to be like this. She and her mother had ruined the Olsen family for a man.

"Mom, calm down. Don't hurt yourself." Seeing how emotional Aisling was, Eden was very sad.

Edith went crazy, and she was framed by her, which made her mother cry.