Chapter 1806 Regret And Unwillingness

"Ah..." Annalise's head swam, and she swayed dizzily.

"Dad, what are you doing? How can you beat mom?" Seeing this, Edith had a nasty feeling in heart.

She had asked the driver to ruin the surveillance video. It was impossible for Eden to improve her innocence.

"Why can't I beat her? I not only want to beat her, but also want to give you a lesson! You unfilial daughter!"

"Crack..." He slapped Edith fiercely as well.

"Ah..." Edith looked at him with grievances and fury. She pointed at Eden and said in disbelief, "Dad, I am the victim. Why do you slap me? You should beat Eden! She wanted to kill me. You not only doesn't speak for me, but also bully me and mom in front of them..."

Edith suddenly stopped talking when Brian turned the computer screen to her.

"How... could it be?" Edith opened her eyes wide.