Chapter 1811 Save The Child

"Eden, get up. Are you hurt?" Victor helped Eden stand up.

Eden's wrist was painful, but she couldn't care about this and pushed Victor, "Go and chase him. I'm fine. I'll go to see Candace. Nothing bad can happen to Adonis again."

As Eden said this, she limped into the ward.

Victor went downstairs angrily and chased after the man.

He said on the phone while running, "Lucian, hurry up! The man who wants to hurt Adonis has escaped through the fire exit!"

After that, he immediately called the security guard.

After Lucian hung up, Amelia had not woken up. He went to the door and asked the nurses to keep an eye on Amelia. Then he ran out of the ward immediately.

When Eden arrived at the ward, only Candace was lying quietly on the bed. All the tubes and monitors that were attached to Adonis had been removed.

"Candace..." Eden called her loudly for a few times, but she had no reaction.