Chapter 1812 Someone Wants To Kill Adonis

"Eden..." Victor was so scared and stared at her thin figure intensely.

Lucian looked up, and he was startled as well, "Go help Eden. The child should be in the bamboo basket. I'll save the child."

Victor had run toward the building.

"Eden, please be safe and sound." Victor felt that he was on tenterhooks every day.

Eden was drenched in cold sweat, and her sweat-stained hair clung to her face. The hand she used to grab the rope happened to be the injured hand.

The basket was heavy, so the wound was torn apart. Blood dripped down the rope.

Eden looked at Anton, feeling that her hands were about to be torn apart.

"Anton, I can't hold on any longer." She was worried that the child might fall down, and her lips were trembling.

Anton knew that she was very fragile at the moment. On the one hand, she was worried about the child. On the other hand, she was about to lose her strength. Moreover, her injured hand was bleeding.