Chapter 1870 Let Him Go

Seeing this, Eden took a step back. She admitted that she was really frightened. The sharp knife had threatened her life. Furthermore, the man was out of control.

The most useful thing to stop him was the evidence, not her words.

All he wanted to do was to kill her at this time.

He was sure that it was her fault, so he didn't give her any chance to speak.

"I'll show you a video, and then you won't think so. You're still young. I hope you won't be used to do stupid things."

Eden looked at him warily, took out her phone and found the video quickly.

Aro had sent her several videos. Since that day, Ciara had been pestering Anson recklessly, and her actions were very crazy these days.

Abby was very distressed and helpless.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Ciara was shameless and insane.

She went to find Anson everyday. Anson hated her, but he could do nothing about her.