Chapter 1871 How Vicious You Are

Victor took it and they walked towards home. On the long way home, neither of them spoke. Only the sound of footsteps and the sound of the bags rubbing against each other could be heard, but it was harmonious.

The grass on the lawn had just been cut, and the wind came down with the scents of the grass.

Looking at Victor whose face darkened, Eden raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled, but she didn't take the lead to speak.

After arriving home, Victor just said, "I'll make dinner." Then he went into the kitchen.

Eden knew that he was in a bad mood, so she did not bother him.

In fact, she had her own considerations. Some things were not as simple as they thought. If she sent Ciara's fiance to prison, she would have helped Ciara.

If she didn't think about this matter seriously, she was likely to be used by Ciara.

She went upstairs and called Abigail.

"Eden, what's wrong? Have you had dinner?" Abigail's voice was weak.