Chapter 1986 Get Some Experience

"Thank you, mom. I can eat a lot of delicious food every time I come back." Eden almost forgot what she had suffered because her family members were so warm.

"You don't have to thank me. Sit down and eat. You talk with your grandma here, and I'm going to cook. We can have dinner when Buddy and Zofia come back. Just now, they called me and said that they were on the way back." Aisling patted Eden's cheek and went to the kitchen with a happy smile.

Eden sat cross-legged beside Victor with the plate, "Grandma, do you want to eat an apple?"

Grandma Clement smiled and shook her head, "No, it's getting cold recently. I don't want to eat fruit at all. I just want to drink hot milk and hot red wine."

"Red wine?" Eden looked at her with a smile, "Grandma, why do you suddenly want to drink red wine?" A glass of red wine kept people in the pink, and Grandma Clement could drink it sometimes.