Chapter 1987 I Can Give You Whatever You Like

When they returned to the hotel, Eden was a little tired and sat on the sofa sleepily.

Victor helped her take off her shoes and change into comfortable cotton slippers.

Eden opened her eyes and glanced at him, saying bleary-eyed, "Honey."

"Yeah! Honey, I'm here."

There was a bright smile on Victor's handsome face. She was so gentle and charismatic, and his heart beat violently.

Victor couldn't help hugging her, "Honey, let's sleep."

Eden nodded, "Okay! I'm so tired."

Victor carried her in his arms and walked to the bed.

Eden suddenly said in his arms, "Victor, it's said that one can fall in love with a city because of someone. I like River City, because this is where you grew up. I hope there will be romantic roses on my wedding. I want to hold a wedding on the lawn, and I want a red carpet that was full of red roses. I think it's more romantic. As for the other details, you can think about them carefully."

"Okay!" Victor's dull voice sounded joyful.