Chapter 2009 Regretted Knowing The Truth

Victor was talking with Eden and laughing. When they looked up and saw Barrett and Devin, their smiles gradually faded.

"Yo! Mr. Alwynn, Mrs. Alwynn, nice to meet you." Barrett was in a good mood, so he took the initiative to greet them with a smile.

Victor held Eden in his arms and looked at him coldly.

"Oh! Mrs. Alwynn, you're getting more and more beautiful." Barrett never hated to appreciate beautiful ladies. He looked Eden up and down.

His eyes were keen, which made Eden feel that she had been greatly humiliated. 

Eden replied with a smile, "Mr. Simpson, you look younger and younger, but your character really surprises us."

"Mrs. Alwynn, you're quite sharp-tongued. No wonder Mr. Alwynn loves you so much!" Barrett looked at Victor meaningfully, and his tone was sarcastic.

Victor gave him a warning look.