Chapter 2010 I Did It Deliberately

"Got it."

"Our car will follow you closely. Be careful."

"I know. Now I'm going to the parking lot."

"Stay in touch at any time."

Victor picked up Eden's bag from the chair and said with a smile, "Dear, let's go home."

Eden looked at him in confusion. Just now, she said that she wanted to go back, but he didn't agree.

Victor smiled with understanding, "Since you're not used to sleeping in the hotel, we'll go home."

"Okay! Let's call Kenny and ask him if he's used to studying in the new school after we go back."

"Alright, we'll call him at home." Victor took her hand and walked out.

When they arrived at the parking lot and got in the car, Victor put on his Bluetooth headset and sent another message to Brian.

"We're setting off!"

Then, he dialed Brian's number.

Brian's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, leave now. I've located you."

Victor started the car and glanced at Eden, "Sit well. We are being targeted again."