Chapter 2015 She Wanted Him To Kneel On The Keyboard

Victor's body stiffened, and he smiled gently.

Seeing her standing barefoot on the ground, he frowned and walked over to carry her in his arms. After putting her on bed and letting her lean against the head of the bed, he sat next to her and covered them with the quilt.  

"Dear, it's warmer to talk like this." Reaching out, he pulled her into his arms and ran his finger through her hair, "Honey, tell me. What do you want to talk about?"

Eden leaned against his arms and felt his warmth. She no longer felt scared and worried.

She looked out of the window. The sky was as dark as black ink. She said casually, "According to the forecast, it will rain tomorrow."

Victor was stunned.

He remained silent.

Eden added, "I don't think you'll sweat if you kneel on the keyboard in such weather."

Victor suddenly held her more tightly and looked at her pitifully, "Honey, those who tell the truth can receive a lighter sentence. I told you the truth."

Eden looked up at him, "Is that so?"