Chapter 2016 She Wanted To Love Him Fearlessly

Jasper went in. Lyric's house was as clean as before.

The French window was pulled open by her, and the morning sun shone in, making the living room extremely bright.

Jasper placed his breakfast on the table. He had bought some milk and sandwiches.

Eden ordered seafood porridge and bacon for Lyric.

Jasper smiled and said, "It's a lot. It seems that we can't finish all the food."

Lyric was very excited and nervous. She had been watching Jasper's every move, but she didn't notice what he was talking about. Looking at his smile, she was actually very depressed. He didn't come yesterday, but why didn't he tell her the reason?

Was she mistaken?

It was impossible. She had been staring at the message he sent yesterday. He said he would come yesterday.

However, she was not qualified to question him why he didn't come.

"Lyric, what are you thinking about?" Jasper had sat next to the dinning table gracefully.

Hearing his tender voice, Lyric came to sense and looked at him in a daze.