Chapter 2052 I Like You, Too

"Ah..." Jasper stared at Lyric blankly. She confessed her feelings so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

She said, "Jasper, I like you. Can you be my boyfriend?"

Jasper felt that his face was burning hot. His heart was excited, and every cell in his body was dancing with joy.

Lyric was stunned as well. She couldn't control herself and said those words while thinking.

It was too embarrassing to confess her love in such a situation.

She was not prepared, and she didn't even dress herself up. How could she confess her love like this?

Lyric was dumbfounded. She looked at Jasper in a daze, not knowing what to do.

When Jasper came to sense and found that Lyric was more surprised than him, he smiled gently.

He appreciated her stunned face before asking with a smile, "Lyric, what did you say just now? I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again."

Jasper suddenly felt that he was a little evil, but he wanted to hear her say those words again.