Chapter 2053 Get The Marriage Certificate

"Hello? Jasper, I can finally sleep late today. Why did you wake me up?" Abigail complained.

"Ha-ha..." Jasper smiled happily, "Abby, I'll bring my wife to see you later."

"Ah..." Abigail was completely awakened by his words.

"Sweetheart, what did you say?" Abigail sat up, and Ayman woke up with a start.

Ayman glanced at her with complaint, turned over and continued to sleep.

Looking at his disgusted face, Abigail was speechless.

"Abby, I said that I would bring my wife back later." Jasper smiled and repeated patiently.

"Well. that's great. Come back quickly. I'll cook for you. No, I can't cook. I don't know if Anson will come back later. Let's go outside..."

"No, we won't eat outside on such an important day. It's too cold. I'll ask Eden to cook something delicious."

"Okay, I'll hang up and then go to the supermarket. Take your time."

Abigail hung up the phone and threw it away. Then she immediately ran into the bathroom.